I’m soooooo happy to be back. The last two weeks were horrible! A few weeks ago I decided to put an end to 11 years of smoking, but I found it to hard to quit without some help. So I went to my doctor and he gave me medication called “Champix”. You have to take these pills 2 weeks before you plan to quit smoking. I did, but the medication had a lot of side effects. After the first week I became a little depressed and languid. I wanted to make cards but couldn’t get started. After days going crazy I decided to go back to my doctor and he reduced the medication.
I’m sooooo happy that I made a new card, that I’ll show you all later today. First I should thank many of you for the sweet messages that you left here! A few weeks ago I received again the Honest Scrap Blog award from
Mariska, thank you very much girl!!
And the last 2 days I received a new Award from again
Kimmie and

Thank you all for passing this award on to me!
These awards always seem to have a catch and for this one I had to answer these questions:
1. Where is your cell phone: here on my desk.
2. Your hair: Half Long, brown, and straight with some light highlights.
3. Your mother: The sweetest in the whole world!
4. Your father: Died in 1993, he was an inspiring hard working man.
5. Your favorite food: Burritos!
6. Your dream from last night: I always forget them ;)
7. Your favorite drink: all sorts of juice!
8. Your dream/goal: To be happy!
9. What room are you in: The livingroom
10. What is your hobby: Blogging, making cards, watch movies, shopping along and baking.
11. What is your fear: To lose someone I love.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: In a cute house being a wonderful wife and mum.
13. Where were you last night: On the couch with my love.
14. Something you are not: Selfish, bitchy and heartless
15. Muffins: Blueberry or white chocolate!
16. Wish List items: A nice card making room and a happy marriage!
17. Where did you grow up: Veghel, Brabant.
18. Last thing you did: Make a new card after 2 weeks.
19. What are you wearing: a comfy shirt and jeans.
20. Your TV: is turned off at the moment ;)
21. Your pets: 2 cats (Diesel and Blaze), 1 dog (Flex) and a little hamster (Kiwi)
22. Your friends: They are the best!
23. Your life: is great!
24. Your mood: relieved that I made a new card.
25. Missing someone: My love, but he will come home in an hour!
26. Vehicle: Ferrari F40 (just kidding, it's a Toyota Yaris)
27. Something you're not wearing: no make up today.
28. Your favorite store: crafting stores!
29. Your favorite color: Purple!
30. When's the last time you laughed: Yesterday when I went shopping with my love.
31. When's the last time you cried: Yesterday, still having depressed moments..
32. Your best friend: My fiance
33. One place you go over and over: The livingroom.
34. One person who emails me regularly: My mother.
35. Favorite place to eat? The Filling station, an American style burger restaurant in Belgium!
I have to choose 6 Over The Top blogs to pass this award to but I saw the award too many times passed on the blogs of my friends so I deciced to leave it open…